Optical Transceivers
FOCI offers a selection of approved and compatible high speed pluggable optical transceivers for data centers, high performance computing networks, enterprise core and distribution layers and service provider applications. The transceiver product family that FOCI can offer includes 1G SFP, 10G SFP+ and 40G QSFP+. Our 100G based transceivers are scheduled to be released very soon.

Active Optical Cables (AOC)
In addition to optical transceivers, FOCI also offers Active Optical Cables (AOCs). Our products are employed in data centers/high performance computing networks and also the emerging video and consumer markets such as digital signage, high definition surveillance and machine control.
The FOCI AOCs for data center/high performance computing are designed to provide long range scalability for all topologies with optimum link performance, high reliability and streamlined installation. The AOCs product family that FOCI can offer includes 10G SFP+ AOC, 40G QSFP+ AOC and 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ Breakout AOC. Our 100G based AOCs are scheduled to be released very soon.
For emerging video and consumer applications, FOCI offers USB 3.0 AOC and HDMI 1.4 AOC. FOCI USB 3.0 and HDMI 1.4 AOC breaks the transmission distance limitation, extending it from 3 meters to 100 meters. Additional plug-and-play and hot swapping support enables the technology to benefit new commercial and industrial applications such as digital signage, HD surveillance system and Zero-Clients and digital home theatre.
We also provide ODM/OEM services on high speed optical cable terminations and testing for customers.


Optical Transceivers

E-SS-7VE0850LCCI-FC 10 Gbps SFP+SR 
E-QP-8VE0850MPCH-FC 40 Gbps QSFP+SR4 

Active Optical Cables

E-AC-SS-7D6XXXX00-LC 10 Gbps SFP + AOC 
E-AC-UB-DT7XXXX00-AC 5.0 Gbps USB 3.0 AOC 
E-AC-QQ-8D8XXXX00-CC 40 Gbps QSFP + AOC 
E-DG-02 USB 3.0 Transaction Adaptor 
E-AC-QS-8D7XXXX41-CC 40 Gbps QSFP + to 4x10Gbps SFP + Breakout AOC 
E-HB-01 USB 3.0 Transaction Hub 
E-AC-HM-DF1XXXX00-MC 5.0 Gbps HDMI 1.4 AOC (Hybrid) 

For the whole content in this series:
For package selection: 
Appendix (Package dimension) (394KB)

Important Notice:
FOCI reserves the rights to improve and modify the features and specifications of the products described in the catalouge without prior notification

Copyright ® 2012 FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
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